Log in to the ZATCA website
Go to General Services, then select the "Update/De-Registration" tab.
Select “Display or Amend details"
Choose which details you wish to amend and attach relevant documents
Submit the request
It is an electronic service provided by ZATCA to companies, as they may delegate authorizations to accounting offices and tax service providers so that they can complete your company’s procedures and transactions automatically on behalf. You can delegate different accounting offices to perform specific services for pre-set durations.
This e-service allows users to submit Zakat declarations (returns) for a specific financial period (including transaction pricing forms). Your return will be available for submission on the specified date on the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZARCA) e-portal.
This e-service allows users to register your business from VAT if eligible, which may mean that users stopped performing an economic activity, or their revenues did not exceed the mandatory registration threshold, or the lack of legal status for the business, or any of the other cases according to the Law.
This e-service allows taxpayers to raise contracts concluded with other parties regardless of whether they are "Expenditure or Revenue" contracts. It also offers the option to amend and terminate contracts.
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