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 Electronic Participation Policy

In order to achieve maximum benefit from the application of the concept of community e-participation, the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority stresses the need for users of the e-participation channels available on the platform to provide constructive opinions and comments that contribute to business development and improving services provided by the authority. From this standpoint, a number of standards and controls have been set, to which all comments added on the electronic participation channels are subject, as these posts are read before they are published, and the platform management has the right not to publish any comments it deems inappropriate.

The main objectives behind the application of the concept of community e-participation:
- Enhance the role of society with all its segments and categories (business sector and individuals) for more interaction and participation in decision-making and in improving and raising the quality of government services.
- Enhance the concept of transparency regarding information of interest to the public, through polls, blogs and referendums, and publish the results of all these channels.
- Provide a number of e-participation channels and make it easier to benefit from them by providing direct links to them and presenting a comprehensive description of each of them.

Standards for Comments and eParticipation
- Observe general ethics and avoid any inappropriate phrases or use of impolite words
- Keep comments relevant, focused on the issue under discussion.
- Avoid personal criticism that does not enrich the discussion.
- Avoid fanaticism.
- Be completely certain of their accuracy when referring to Qura'anic texts or religious views and to permit only specialists to discuss such topics.
- Participants are prohibited from offending religious and rituals and sharing information that may stir up sectarian differences.
- Avoid posting any personal information, such as contact details, within comments.​

The Authority Concerned for Supervising Online Participation:​ 
The party specialized in supervising the online posts and consultations of the public participation, regarding the development of services and customer experience is Excellence Programs & Quality Monitoring Department.

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Last Update: 26 Jun 2024 04:49 PM Saudi Arabia Time