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It is an electronic service provided by ZATCA to companies, as they may delegate authorizations to accounting offices and tax service providers so that they can complete your company’s procedures and transactions automatically on behalf. You can delegate different accounting offices to perform specific services for pre-set durations.
After submitting or amending the declaration and in case of fines or penalties, a SADAD invoice is generated containing the invoice number and the amount due. You can do your payment through either online banking or via an ATM with the SADAD number.
Customs declaration for travelers This e-service allows international travelers to fill out the declaration form for declarable items and submit it to customs officials upon entering or leaving Saudi Arabia. Such items include: - Currencies, bearer negotiable instruments, gold bars, precious metals, gemstones and jewelry of a value of 60,000 riyals or more or their equivalent in foreign currencies. - Goods in commercial quantities or at a value higher than 3,000 riyals. - Goods subject to excise tax. - Prohibited and restricted goods and items. The list of items to be declared for international travelers departing Saudi Arabia is limited to the following: - Currencies, bearer negotiable instruments, gold bars, precious metals, gemstones and jewelry of a value of 60,000 riyals or more or their equivalent in foreign currencies. - Items prohibited for export (such as antiquities, etc.) and subsidized items.
This E-service can be used to submit requests for interpretative decisions to request an opinion from ZATCA on the interpretation of the provisions of the tax laws and regulations applicable within the Kingdom (Value Added Tax, Income Tax and Withholding tax) and the mechanism for their application to transactions related to the applicant's activity. This shall be in accordance with the conditions and controls set out in the Interpretative Decisions Guidelines.
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