
 Occupational Health & Safety Policy


PURPOSE: The Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority (ZATCA) strives to excel in best practices and enhanced performance towards occupational health and safety (OHS). The leadership at ZATCA recognizes that long-term business success depends on providing customers with high-quality services with the intention of ensuring "No Harm" to the wellbeing of humans and assets wherever ZATCA operates by achieving occupational health and safety excellence. ZATCA has developed and implemented a comprehensive Health, Safety & Environmental management system (HSEMS) to achieve this. 

One of the core elements of the HSEMS is the Occupational health & Safety Policy (OHS policy) and ZATCA shall ensure the OHS policy:
- Remains appropriate to the purpose, size, and context of the organization and to the specific nature of its OH&S risks and OH&S opportunities.  
- Provides a framework for setting OHS objectives; and 
- Implements adequate risk management practices, business continuity measures, and sustainable business practices.

COMMITMENT: ZATCA is committed, within the defined scope of the Health, Safety, and Environmental Management System and in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Policy, to the following:​
- Provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of incidents, injuries, occupational illnesses, and other adverse impacts on the health of its employees, contractors, and members of the public.
- Eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks resulting from ZATCA’s operations, activities, and work practices.
- Ensure consultation and participation of workers, and, where they exist, workers’ representatives & other interested parties/stakeholders on OHS matters, OHS policies, standards, programs, and performance.
- Fulfil its compliance obligations that include applicable H&S laws /regulations & other applicable requirements. 
- Maintain a program of continual improvement of the HSE management system to enhance HSE performance.

AIMS & OBJECTIVES: In line with the above commitments, the aims of the OHS policy are to achieve the following objectives:
- Implement and maintain an effective OHS Management System (part of the HSEMS) in conformance with the International standard ISO 45001:2018.
- Carry out all our operations and work practices safely and efficiently in line with recognized safety standards and by adopting safe systems of work. 
- Establish methods to identify all the health and safety hazards & risks from our activities; and implement suitable control measures to eliminate (first) or minimize (if not practically possible) the impacts of the risks that may affect people or results in losses.
- Promote no blame culture to remove obstacles or barriers to reporting health and safety incidents, near-misses, unsafe conditions, and at-risk behaviors.
- Give authority to All ZATCA employees to stop a “work activity” if the work cannot be executed safely or if condition or behaviors at the work location are deemed unsafe.
- Develop and implement plans to respond to and recover from any emergency or crisis which may result in a personal injury, property damage, or other business disruption.
- Set specific & measurable OHS performance objectives: monitor, measure and analyze them to improve processes and services continually. 
- Raise the employee’s awareness on best practices of health and safety management by providing the necessary OHS training, information, instruction, tools, safe equipment, and technological support. 
- Promote positive health & safety culture throughout the organization.
- Maintain safe workplaces and provide adequate health and welfare facilities.

IMPLEMENTATION & COMMUNICATION: ZATCA’s leadership and all management functions are responsible for implementing and communicating this policy to all employees, contractors, stakeholders and interested parties as appropriate. The OHS policy shall be reviewed annually to ensure that it is appropriate and relevant to our vision, mission, values, and commitments, and meet the evolving needs of the HSE management system. All contractors and subcontractors working at ZATCA must follow this policy and meet the requirements of ZATCA's HSE management system while providing their services.​

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Last Update: 19 Feb 2025 10:45 AM Saudi Arabia Time