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من خلال هذه الخدمة، يمكنك التحقق من نوع الشهادة الزكوية الصادرة للمنشأة:  شهادة تسجيل، مقيدة، أو شهادة.

Service Publishing Date


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Payment Methods

Free sadad mada mada

SMS Service

available not available

Service Duration


Mobile Apps

service description


متاحة للمكلّفين والجمهور .
service docs Documents and Prerequisites                                    
contact us Contact Us                                    

Service Steps


Channel that can be used

  • Call Center
  • Branch
  • Website
  • Mobile App
  • Relationship Managers
  • Live Chat
  • Twitter
  • Email
No No No   No No Yes  

Required Documents



توفّر أحد الوثائق التالية:
رقم السجل التجاري.
رقم الهوية الوطنية.
رقم الترخيص.
الرقم الضريبي.
رقم الشهادة.
رقم هوية المنشأة.

Support Channels

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Inquiries and Complaints

Related Services

Tax Ruling Request

Tax Ruling Request

This service allows you to submit tax ruling requests to ZATCA in order to get an opinion on the interpretation of the provisions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's tax laws and regulations (VAT, CIT, and Withholding Tax) and the mechanism of their application to transactions related to the applicant's activity, in accordance with the conditions and controls specified in the Tax Ruling Request Guideline.

Request to Reprint of VAT Certificate

Request to Reprint of VAT Certificate

This is a self-service that allows you to reprint your VAT certificate.

immediate Certificate

immediate Certificate

This service allows you to receive the certificate immediately after submitting the Zakat related declarations for a specific financial period and paying its related payments.

Request for Certificate

Request for Certificate

This service allows you to apply for a Zakat / Tax Certificate.

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Last Update: 01 Oct 2019 10:52 AM Saudi Arabia Time