2nd round of GAZT workshops kick off in Riyadh

The second round of the specialized workshops for accountants of Riyadh branch of the General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT) kicked off on Tuesday 18/1/1439 AH.

Held under the auspices of His Excellency the GAZT Governor, the workshops are meant to improve the performance of the authority’s employees.  

The Department of Development and Research in GAZT organizes annual workshops at the main headquarters and branches under the supervision of experienced GAZT officials and employees, with the first workshop covering a range of subjects, including: 

The applications of ERAD system, the mandate of the taxpayer service departments at the GAZT branches, the rights and obligations of taxpayers, the personal characteristics of the taxpayer service staff as well as the registration problems and ways to handle them in the automated system department and Riyadh branch.

The second workshop will focus on the importance of the value added tax and the excise tax.

The third workshop will touch upon the importance of Zakat and its economic and social role, the instructions of Zakat collection, the identification of the Zakat base, the deductibles and non-deductibles and cases of Zakat evasion and the way to discover it.  

Then, a specialized workshop examining the tax law and its applications, the withholding tax, the field inspection, the tax collection, the way to deal with objection to pay Zakat and the appeal before administrative courts, will be held. This workshop facilitated by specialists from the GAZT headquarters and Riyadh branch will also discuss the provisions of the international conventions. The GAZT is keen to organize annual workshops to inform the GAZT employees of the latest work developments and ensure they would provide better services and make use of knowledge and practical experiences to make things easier for businesses. 



12 October 2017
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