
 Announcement to the Taxpayers

​From the General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT) to all taxpayers who are subjected to the Zakat Collection Law: 

As per the Cabinet of Ministers’ Resolution No. (126) dated 30/2/1436 AH, ratified by His Majesty the King in form of approval of the minutes of the Session No. (755) of the Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers dated 2/8/1437 AH in this regard, that:

(First) The Minister of Finance's decision No. 393 dated 6/8/1370 AH regarding the collection of Zakat and its amendments shall be valid during the period from the effective date of the Royal Decree No. 17/2/28/577 dated 14/3/1376 AH until the Minister of Finance issues the necessary executive decrees.

(Second) The Minister of Finance shall issue the necessary decisions to implement the Royal Decree No. (D/40) dated 2/7/1405 AH (the last royal decree issued regarding the Zakat collection), including the issues related to the committees formed and identification of the duration and conditions for appeals against the committee decisions, especially the payment of a bank guarantee,

The implementing regulations for the Royal Decree No. (D/40) dated 2/7/1405 AH have been issued to define the rules and procedures governing the collection of Zakat from the taxpayers who have been subject to it since the issuance of Royal Decree No. (D/40) to date.

These regulations were approved by the Ministerial Decision No. (2082) dated 1/6/1438 AH. It has been communicated to the departments of the GAZT in the Circular No. (17545/16/1438) dated 9/6/1438 AH and to the taxpayers and other bodies responsible for its application, through the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants and the Council of Saudi Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Riyadh.

These regulations were based on the provisions of the ministerial decisions, religious Fatwas, and circulars issued by the GAZT, and introduced no instruction in contradiction with the authority’s strategy regarding the procedures of the Zakat collection. 

It was required to explain the background on which the implementing regulations for Zakat collection were issued. This statement has been circulated for information and knowledge of all. 

May Allah grant us success.

 For more information, please see the attachment.

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Last Update: 29 Sep 2020 11:55 PM Saudi Arabia Time